Degree of Chevalier
The Degree of Chevalier is the highest honor that an Active DeMolay can receive. This honor also may be granted to a Senior DeMolay. The Degree is a citation for outstanding and marked DeMolay Activity and labor. DeMolay International may confer the Degree of Chevalier upon a member of the Order or a Senior DeMolay who has performed unusual and meritorious service in behalf of the Order, who has attained the age of seventeen years as of the first day of the annual meeting of the year nominated and has been a member in good standing for at least two years on that date. An Executive Officer may lower the age eligibility requirement to sixteen.
The degree cannot be applied for, and the nomination is made without the knowledge of the DeMolay to be honored. The unanimous vote of DeMolay International at its regular Session is required to elect a nominee.
Recommendations are made by Advisory Councils to the Executive Officer of the Jurisdiction. Nomination forms are available from the Executive Officer. The nominations must be received by the Executive Officer’s deadline. Each year a nomination fee is established by the Grand Secretary, the free covers processing and regalia. Fees must be submitted with a completed nomination form to the Executive Officer. The investiture ceremony must take place within one year from the date of election.